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cold turkey



例句-1: "I wouldn't go out on a date with Mary if she was the last woman in the world. She's such a turkey with that boring personality and stupid grin."



例句-2: "This man came with a good recommendation from his last job, but it turns out he's just a turkey who simply can't do anything right!"


说到吃火鸡,美国人有的时候吃热的,也有的时候吃冷的。可是,cold turkey作为一个俗语,它的意思就不是冷火鸡肉了。Cold turkey作为俗语的意思是指一些人突然终止某种已经成隐的习惯,如非法吸毒、酗酒或抽烟等。我们用一个烟隐很大的人来做例子吧:

例句-3: "You know, for 25 years I smoked two packs a day. But the day a good friend of mine died of lung cancer, I decided to go cold turkey and never light up another cigarette. It was tough, but it was the smartest thing I ever did in my life."


从这个例子我们可以看到,cold turkey是指立即全部停止一个行为,而不是逐步的。 下面这个例子也很说明问题:

例句-4: "I needed to lose weight quick, so I gave up ice cream, cake and other rich foods cold turkey. And do you know I lost ten pounds in just a little over a month!"


我们今天讲了turkey和cold turkey。用turkey这个字来指人,那就是说那个人不聪明、笨头笨脑的意思。Cold turkey是立即停止长期养成的习惯。


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