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To give up the ghost

ghost town

世界上到底有没有鬼?真正看见过鬼的人似乎也不多,可是几千年来,许多人一听鬼的故事就毛骨悚然。今天我们要讲两个和"鬼"这个字有关的俗语,可是大家千万别害怕,你绝不会见到鬼的。"鬼"这个字在英文里就是:ghost。 (来源:EnglishCN.com)

根据字典里的解释,ghost就是看不见的幽灵,人死了,他的灵魂也就离开了人体。今天要讲的两个俗语就是这个意思。我们先来介绍:to give up the ghost。To give up就是"放弃"。一个人放弃了灵魂不就是死了吗?To give up the ghost的意思也就是:" 死"。下面我们来举个例子:

例句-1: "My poor old aunt was in bed with cancer for six months before she finally gave up the ghost."


To give up the ghost不一定指人,它还可以用来说别的东西,就像那些磨损很利害无法修理的机器:

例句-2: "I need money to buy a new car. My old one is twelve years old and I'm afraid it's ready to give up the ghost."


要是你看过美国的西部电影的话,你很可能看到过那种被遗弃的城镇。美国人把它们叫做:ghost town。Ghost town就是一些被遗弃的城镇。一百多年前,成千上万的人都争先恐后到美国西部去淘金,想一夜就变成富翁。当时那里的小城镇都很繁荣,后来,随着淘金活动的结束,人们也就逐个地离开了那里到别处去谋生,这些城镇也就没有生命了。下面的例句是一个人在形容ghost town的凄凉情景:

例句-3: "These old ghost towns can give you a scary feeling, with the buildings falling apart and the only sound is the moaning of the wind blowing through the deserted streets."



例句-4: "I come from a city in Illinois which used to have three big steel plants. But these factories closed twenty years ago and the city has almost become a ghost town with most of the people gone and most of the stores and houses boarded up like a mining town out West."


我们今天讲了两个和ghost有关的俗语,它们是:to give up the ghost和ghost town。To give up the ghost是指人死了,或是无可补救的东西。Ghost town是被遗弃的城镇。


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·American Idioms 102 - BRAINCHILD / PICK ONE'S
·American Idioms 104 - GHOST WRITER / SPOOKY
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·American Idioms 100 - NAG / GET OFF ONE'S BACK
·American Idioms 106 - GRAB A BITE / GRUBSTAKE
·American Idioms 99 - TURN ONE'S BACK ON SB. GE
·American Idioms 107 - MUNCH / HORS D'OEUVRES
·American Idioms 98 - PUT ON THE BACK BURNER /
·American Idioms 108 - CALL THE SHOTS / CALL ON

上一篇:American Idioms 102 - BRAINCHILD / PICK ONE'S BRAIN  
下一篇:American Idioms 104 - GHOST WRITER / SPOOKY
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