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to keep one's eye on the ball

eye-opener (来源:英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

我们再给大家介绍一个又eye组成的俗语:To keep one's eye on the ball。To keep one's eye on the ball这个常用语原先是来自球类运动,如网球、高尔夫球、垒球等。你一定要把眼睛看准了才能打到这些球。下面这个垒球运动员说的话就能说明问题:

例句-1: We were playing Chicago there and the crowd was yelling and booing and waving handkerchiefs to distract us. But I kept my eye on the ball, swung as hard as I could and hit a home run. That Chicago crowd sure quieted down as I jogged around the bases.



例句-2: Tom, your sales record is way down the past six months. You've only sold 17 cars all this time. You'd better start keeping your eye on the ball, or you'll find yourself looking for another job.



例句-3: Of course, John and I have had a few problems, just like most married couples. But I always felt we had a good, solid marriage. So it was a terrible eye-opener when I opened the letter he'd left on the kitchen table and found out he'd run off with his old college sweetheart.



例句-4: Seeing those color films the astronauts took off the earth on their flight to the moon was certainly an eye-opener. I never realized how beautiful and how lonely our planet looks hanging there in space.


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·American Idioms 63 - KEEP ONE'S EYES PEELED...
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·American Idioms 59 - A FISH OUT OF WATER / TEA
·American Idioms 69 - AT THE DROP OF A HAT / TA

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