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单身的佐伊很想当一个母亲,于是她去接受了人工受孕,满心喜悦的她刚走出医院便天降大雨,急忙打车的她却遭到帅哥斯坦的抢车…… - Look, maybe you're not from around here, but there's a code. Certain rules that we try to follow. - Fine! Forget it. I'll get out. You're not right, but I'm in a terrific mood and you're ruining it. No, I'll get out. Now what? - I don't know. You tell me. Hey, hey! - Where's he going? Come back! Well, that was stupid. Why'd you get out, you stupid-head? - You said you were in a great mood and I was ruining it. I felt bad. I'm sorry, did you just call me a stupid-head?
【台词翻译】 - 也许你不是住这儿附近来着,不过这里有规矩,大家都要遵守的。 - 好吧,随便了。我走行吧。不是因为你有道理,是因为我本来的好心情全被你给搅合了。行了,我走,又怎么了? - 我怎么知道。你说啊。 - 他去哪儿呢?回来啊。真是太蠢了。你干嘛出来呢,你笨脑袋瓜子么你? - 你说你的好心情被我毁了我很内疚咯。等一下,你刚叫我笨脑袋瓜子?
