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颁布日期:20010608  实施日期:20010608  颁布单位:国家外汇管理局综合司 (来源:英语麦当劳www.EnglishCN.com)

  Huizonghan [2001] No.50

  June 8,2001

  The Bank of China:

  The document coded Lianyeshang [2001] No. 1125, from Hong Kong and Macao Administration Office of the Bank of China, has been received. We hereby reply as follows:

  According to relevant foreign exchange regulations, the RMB loans to domestic entities extended by domestic foreign-capital banks that are authorized to operate RMB business are not regarded as external debts of domestic entities, and do not need approval or external debt registration. Therefore, guarantees for this kind of RMB loans are not regarded as external guarantees, and thus do not need approval beforehand or external guarantee registration.

  It is hereby replied as above-mentioned.

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上一篇:对外贸易经济合作部、财政部关于印发《中小企业国际市场开拓资金管理办法实施细则》的通知 Circular of the Ministry of Foreign T  
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