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Asylum benefits used to be limited to people from certain countries, but now it's available to refugees worldwide. To qualify for refugee or asylum status, you must have a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political affiliation. It also takes into account things such as close relatives in the U-S, stable employment, and the lack of a criminal record. There are some differences between refugee and asylum processes. Unlike asylum, refugee status can only be obtained if you're outside both your own country and the United States, and you're unwilling or unable to return because of a well-founded fear of persecution. Persecution is defined as harm or suffering inflicted upon the applicant as punishment for possessing a belief or characteristic that the prosecutor will not tolerate. Your application must be filed either with the nearest I-N-S. office outside the U-S or at a designated U-S Consulate. The burden of proof of the persecution rests with the refugee. If you're in the U-S, or at the land border of the U-S, and believe you're a victim of persecution, you can apply for political asylum with asylum officers under the jurisdiction of the Central Office of Refugee, Asylum and Parole. You can file even if you're in the U-S illegally, or in deportation or exclusion proceedings. Whether applying as a refugee or an asylee, you'll be interviewed to determine if your claim is legitimate and your application should be approved. Your eligibility for refugee or asylee status may be affected if it's alleged that you've: involved in the persecution of other persons; firmly resettled in another country; convicted of an especially serious crime; or committed a serious non-political crime prior to coming to the U-S. According to regulations, if your application has been pending for at least one hundred and fifty days, you may be given permission to work. One year after receiving refugee or asylee status, you may become eligible to apply for permanent residence. For more information, contact an attorney qualified in the area of immigration. (来源:英语麦当劳-英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
1 Asylum n
(1) 避难所;庇护所
(2) (政治)避难 (= political asylum)
(3) 精神病院
2 persecution n 迫害
3 affiliation n
(1) 加入;参加
(2) 关系 to have many affiliations with 与…有广泛联系
4 inflict 拉丁语infligere打击 vt (与on连用)
(1) 予以(打击等),使受(痛苦等)
(2) 处以(刑罚),加(刑) (亦作: inflict upon)
5 designate vt -nated, -nating
(1) 指出;标明;指明 to designate boundaries 标明界线
(2)(常与as连用)指派;任命 He designated Smith as his successor. 他指定史密斯为他的继承人
designate adj 指派的;任命的
6 Consulate n领事, 领事馆, 领事任期, 领事的职位、权力和职责
a consulate general 总领事馆
7 Parole n假释 (法律专业) n. 假出狱 ,诺言,誓言 , 假释
break one's parole(假释期满未能返回监狱的)违誓;(企图)违誓逃脱
parole vt paroled, paroling 准予假
8 legitimate adj
(1) 合法的;依法的
(2) 婚生的
9 allege 来自拉丁语allegare发出,提及
(1) 断言;宣称
The police allege that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.警方声称这男子是被人谋杀的,但未提出任何证据
10 pend vi. 悬而未决
11 well-founded adj. 有根据的, 有理由的, 有事实为依据 |