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这是一封有关装船细节的通知书。Consignmet 是“发送”;as stipulated 是“按照规定”;marking 是“标志”,俗称“唛头”;MS 是motor ship的缩写,意思是“柴油机船”。clean B/L 是“清洁提单”;sight draft 是“即期汇票”,也就是“见票即付的票据”。 (来源:最老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)


Particulars of Shipment

To your Order No. 855 of June 10, We are glad to inform you that your consignment of TVs has now been dispatched as stipulated.

Packing: In wooden cases
Marking & Numbering: SS over London with case number 1-2200.
Weight of each case: 70 kilograms
Measurement of each case: 1.8 m X 0.8 m X 1.8 m
Shipment: MS Changjiang which sailed from Shanghai on July 15, scheduled to arrive at London on September 2.

Clean B/Ls in complete set, together with Commercial Invoice and Insurance Policy have been negotiated through The Bank of China, Shanghai with the sight draft under your L/C No. 24468. We shall be pleased to hear that goods have arrived safely and in good order.

Sincerely yours



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