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  2. Few realize how much the happiness of life and the formation of character depend on a wise selection of books we read.

  3. I am deeply convinced that our peace of mind and the joy we get out of living depend not on where we are,or what we have,or who we are,but solely upon our mental attitude.Outward conditions have very little to do with it.(D.Carnegie)


  He does not know an adjective from an adverb.



  这个“know...from”是为表示辨别而用的,有时也可以说“tell...from”,它的意思是“能加辨别”,“能够分辨”,如 to know right from wrong为“辨是非”,to know a friend from an enemy 是“分敌友”等等。


  I do not know the one from the other.(我未能辨别二者之差异。)

  I cannot tell the one from the other.(不能区别彼此。)

  Is it possible to tell a good book from a bad one?(要判别一本书的好坏是可能的吗?)

  They do not know B from a bull’s foot?B from a broomstick?B from a battledoor (or battledore)?chalk from cheese.(他们一无所知。)

  How do you know an Englishman from an American?—By the way he speaks English.(英国人和美国人的区别,听他们说英语就可知道。)

  I can tell an Italian from a Frenchman.(我能辨别意大利人和法国人。)

  I can tell a crocodile from an alligator (the difference between them).(我能分别普通的鳄鱼和美洲产的鳄鱼。)


  1. It is hard to know flatterers from friends,for as a wolf resembles a dog,so a flatterer,a friend.

  2. Much as sheep look alike,there is a difference between them,and John knows one from another.(Much as...alike=Though sheep look much alike) (来源:英语博客 http://space.englishcn.com)

  (42)had better+原形不定词

  would rather+原形不定词

  (a)You had better go at once.


  (b)I would rather go at once.



  照字面看来,“had”,“would”虽则是过去形,但在此等惯用句中,决无过去的意思,而只是一种假设语气的说法罢了。(a)例含有劝告的意思,可译为“最好是”,(b)例含有选择的意思,可译为“宁肯”,二者不可混同。这个“had better”的说法,有时可说成“had best”,那就更接近中文的说法了,不过不大通用,例如 I’d best go and settle the score.(Thackeray)(我最好去把债务弄清楚)。I had best start for home.(我最好就动身回家去)。这个“had better”有时还可以用过去形,如You had better do it.的过去形便是 You had better have done it.(你最好那样做了就好了)。

  有人把“had better”及“would rather”两种说法混为一谈,而形成“would better”及“had rather”的说法,这是不妥的,最好避免不用。例如 I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of lord than dwell in the tents of wickedness.(我与其住在罪孽的天幕中,宁肯做神殿的司阍)。

  我们须注意“had better”是用于劝解或间接命令的,所以有时可能含有“have a duty to”或“have an obligation to”的意思,自然是带有一种命令的口气,说 You had better go away.含义为 You should do what you are told or else you will suffer rather serious consequences.(你应该照吩咐去做,不然的话,就要遭受严重的后果)。因此对长辈是不宜用“had better” 的,对不大熟悉的人须存几分客气也不宜用,与其说 You’d better take a bus.不如说 I suggest you take a bus.与其说 You had better wear a blue necktie with that suit.不如说 It might be better to wear a blue necktie with that suit.或 It would be better for you to wear...

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