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保证金客户 <haha> margin client
保证金保险范围比率 <haha> margin coverage ratio
保证金借贷活动 <haha> margin financing
保证金价值 <haha> margin value
保证金证券交易户口 <haha> Margin Securities Trading Account
保证金融资 <haha> margin financing
保证基金 <haha> Guarantee Fund
「保护偿付」规则(期权) <haha> Payout-Protection Rule(options)
信心保证书 <haha> comfort letter
信用评级 <haha> credit rating
信息交流 <haha> exchange of information
信托人 <haha> trustee
信贷 <haha> credit
信贷风险 <haha> credit risk
信贷评级 <haha> credit rating
信贷管制 <haha> credit control
信贷紧缩 <haha> credit squeeze
信贷额度* <haha> credit limit
前收市价 <haha> previous closing price
《宣誓及声明条例》 <haha> Oaths and Declarations Ordinance
客户户口 <haha> client account
《客户身分规则》(证监会) <haha> Client Identity Rule(SFC)
客户伺服器结构 <haha> client server architecture
客户协议书/合约 <haha> client's agreement
客户按金 <haha> client margin
《建议就认可海外规则修订〈证券及期货(稳定价格)规则〉谘询总结》 <haha> Consultation Conclusions on a Proposed Amendment to the Securities and Futures (Price Stabilising) Rules in relation to Recognition of Overseas Rules
待转名股份 <haha> "street name" share certificate
后备资料复原软件 <haha> file backup-restore macro
后备联线通讯线路 <haha> backup interactive line
后进先出 <haha> last in, first out (LIFO)
后勤办公室 <haha> back office
后偿贷款 <haha> subordinated loan
恒生100 <haha> Hang Seng 100 (HS100)
恒生中国内地流通指数 <haha> Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index (HSMLFI) (来源:EnglishCN.com)
恒生中国内地综合指数 <haha> Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index (HSMLCI)
恒生中国企业指数(恒生国企指数) <haha> Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (HSCEI)
恒生亚洲指数 <haha> Hang Seng Asia Index (HSAI)
恒生指数 <haha> Hang Seng Index (HSI)
恒生香港大型股指数 <haha> Hang Seng HK LargeCap Index (HSHKLI)
恒生香港小型股指数 <haha> Hang Seng HK SmallCap Index (HSHKSI)
恒生香港中型股指数 <haha> Hang Seng HK MidCap Index (HSHKMI)
恒生香港中资企业指数(中资企业指数) <haha> Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index (HSCCI)
恒生香港流通指数 <haha> Hang Seng HK Freefloat Index (HSHKFI)
恒生香港综合指数 <haha> Hang Seng Hong Kong Composite Index (HSHKCI)
恒生伦敦参考指数 <haha> Hang Seng London Reference Index (HSLRI)
恒生流通50 <haha> Hang Seng Freefloat 50
恒生流通中国内地25 <haha> Hang Seng Freefloat Mainland 25
恒生流通香港25 <haha> Hang Seng Freefloat HK 25
恒生流通综合指数 <haha> Hang Seng Freefloat Composite Index (HSFCI)
恒生资讯科技指数 <haha> Hang Seng IT Index (HSITI)
恒生资讯科技组合指数 <haha> Hang Seng IT Portfolio Index (HSITP)
恒生综合指数 <haha> Hang Seng Composite Index (HSCI)
恒生/富时亚洲大企业指数 <haha> FTSE/Hang Seng Asiatop Index
恒生/富时亚洲分类指数 <haha> FTSE/Hang Seng Asian Sector Indexes
恒生/富时指数系列 <haha> FTSE/Hang Seng Indexes
恒指服务有限公司 <haha> HSI Services Limited
恒指国际有限公司 <haha> HSI International Limited
恒指期货 <haha> Hang Seng Index Futures
恒指期权 <haha> Hang Seng Index Options
恢复买卖 <haha> resumption of trading
持有成本 <haha> cost of carry
持股人的分布情况 <haha> spread of holders
持股编号 <haha> shareholder Reference Number (SRN)
持仓 <haha> position
持仓上限 / 限额 <haha> position limit
持仓比例 <haha> position ratio
《持仓限额及大额未平仓合约的申报规定指引》(证监会) <haha> Guidance Note on Position Limits and Large Open Position Reporting Requirements(SFC)
持仓限额比率 <haha> position limit ratio
持仓风险调整 <haha> position risk adjustment
持仓净额 <haha> net position
持仓类别(期权) <haha> tier(options)
《持牌人胜任能力的指引》 <haha> Guidance Note on Competence
《持牌人进行持续培训的指引》 <haha> Guidance Note on Continuous Professional Training
持续专业培训课程 <haha> Continuous Professional Training (CPT)
持续净额交收 <haha> continuous net settlement (CNS)
持续责任 <haha> continuing obligation; on-going obligation
持续发售机制 <haha> tap facility
持续经营(会计) <haha> going concern(accounting)
持续经营之业务 <haha> continuing operation
持续关连交易 <haha> continuing connected transaction
持权成本(期权) <haha> cost of carry
指引摘要 <haha> Guidance Note
指示价格 <haha> indicative price
指定分配(期权) <haha> assignment(options)
指定百分比 <haha> prescribed percentage
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